In the meantime, I couldn't put in a garden this year because the big equipment that will be used this fall will have to go right through my current tiny garden area over by the side of the house. So that means this year I've been getting my fresh produce from friends and the local Durham farmer's market.
This weekend they finally had sweet summer corn! Who doesn't love the first corn of the summer?? I knew I wanted to put up a good number of pints for making soups and stews this winter, so I loaded up 20 ears of corn. Once it was weighted, it turns out that was 10 pounds worth of corn. Man! I was going to can SO MUCH corn!!
Except... once I got it home and managed to finagle the corn off the cob (which was harder to do than I thought it would be and little pieces of corn ended up all over the kitchen floor, sad to say) I only ended up with 4 pints of corn. Wow.
Surprise again! I ended up with 3 pints (I know, I know... not a huge amount, but still more than I thought it would be!). Once I crammed in plenty of garlic cloves and heads of dill, it didn't take too many of the cucumbers to fill up a pint jar. YAY!
Again, the hardest part of the whole thing is the waiting. We're supposed to wait a whole week before we crack open the pickles and try them. We'll see if we last that long...
OMG, that all looks SO good!